Jumat, 27 November 2015

School Life

Hello Fellas! How are you? Now, I would like to tell you about my school life.

                  There are lots of events at SMAN 3 BANDUNG. For example is Halal Bihalal. Halbil is an event that is held by students of X-9 family, 32016,32017 , and 32018. This event was held for our class. 
We held this event on 22 August 2015. We should prepare this event as luxurious as possible
Me, Pungki, Alam, Iza, Daffa, Farhan, and Irvan

This event was held at Malva's house. needed one week for prepare this event

We prepare to arranged this event, the first performanced was performed by Ical and ghiffa. the second was eating together, the third was stand up comedy, and the last was flying up lampion.
We were happy because for this event we could get to know with each other and also get to know with seniors.
Ghiffa's performance

This event was started from 3.00 pm until 21.00 pm. although the students house are far from Malva's house, it was not trouble for them.

1.     This is opening from the event 

  2. This is sharing and introduce moment

 3.Flying up Lampion ^^

We prayed that our hopes would come true. Although we were so sleepy, this event was so amazing and gave meaningful thing.
On the next year, we will have similiar event. See You! :)