Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

Valentine’s Day is not Part of Our Culture

Hello Folks!
Here now I’d like to share about an information. The information is about Valentine’s Day. I hope this article can open your mind about our “Real” culture.
Image by: Wikipedia.org
Ya, V-day. Valentine’s Day which falls on February 14 is no longer only celebrated in Western countries. The commercilization of this special day has spread all over the world. The day is also being exploited by TV, shopping malls, cafes, etc to get more profits. Hmm, The people that want to get more profits on V-day is so smart, right?
But, did you know the history of Valentine’s Day?
Hmm, I think mostly of people only knew that this day is for love. It wrong! Now, Indonesian good people. You should read this article first before you celebrate this day.
Cited from Jakarta post Vol 23. Ahmad Pauji, 25, works in a company on Jalan Rasuna Said, Central Jakarta.
“Valentine’s is a good for a trader to gain more profits. It is a chance for them to promote their products. My girlfriend sells women’s attire in Bandung and gives a 20 percent discount on all pink items. The target is teenage girls. Many restaurants also do their best to lure more people for dinner. I never celebrate it as special day. I never say “Happy Valentine’s” to my girlfriend even tough she oftten gives me special gifts. Last year, for example, she sent me a photo album an romantic poems but I only said “Thanks” in return”
Now you know that V-day is not part of our culture. See you!

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